Every description text is written by me.

Undertale, oh boy do we meet again,
i could talk about this game non-stop for days on and not get tired.
this is one of the if not the best indie game of all time that defines
my childhood.
ive been playing undertale since 2019 when i discovered it from my friend
at school and since then ive played every route ALEAST 30 times.
this game truely defines the evil and good in a video game, that every
choice matters.
Whether you choose to fight or befriend your enemies, every decision you
make shapes your journey.
Undertale is a game that will stay with you long after you finish playing it.
it is TRULY a masterpiece. The music is beautiful and atmospheric,
perfectly capturing the game's tone and setting.
It's a truly special experience that deserves to be played by everyone.